When I worked in advertising agencies before founding Kaboom Construction, we got to hire a lot of people. For one particular job at Ogilvy & Mather, we were looking for an assistant to hire. After meeting 2 candidates, one of my associates said: "I interviewed 2 people and one was like an apple and the other was like a candy bar. I know I'm supposed to hire the apple but I really want to hire the candy bar!" Well guess what? We hired the candy bar and he went on to be a successful copywriter who everyone loved to be around. 

Surround yourself with candy bars if you can!

This particular candy bar is from Germany and is a candy bar with m&m candies inside! Talk about a marriage made in candy heaven!  Thank you Cade for going all the way to Germany to get these for me. :)

This particular candy bar is from Germany and is a candy bar with m&m candies inside! Talk about a marriage made in candy heaven!  Thank you Cade for going all the way to Germany to get these for me. :)